Tabbouleh Salad with Chickpeas is a simple Mediterranean/Middle Eastern-inspired salad that is easy to prepare, fresh, and incredibly satisfying.
Tabbouleh Salad with Chickpeas is a simple Mediterranean/Middle Eastern-inspired salad that is easy to prepare, fresh, and incredibly satisfying.
Discover how to cook soybeans from scratch in a standard pot at home. It’s super simple, and always beans cooked from scratch taste better.
Warm up your taste buds with this delicious quick Vegan Pea Soup! Made with wholesome ingredients, it’s creamy, healthy and delicious.
Humita is a creamy, delicious, and comforting meal you’ll love! Made primarily from fresh corn, it’s a traditional staple dish from the Andean region of South America.
Creamy and flavorful plant-based mashed carrots recipe, ready in 20 minutes, it’s a perfect side for any meal.
Easy Vegan Parsley Arugula Pesto, ready in a few minutes and with simple ingredients, is not only healthy and delicious but also Nut-Free and Oil-Free!
Easy Coconut Oatmeal Balls that require only 4 ingredients are healthy, sweet, and decadent. Perfect for enjoying as a snack or as dessert.
A classic with extra seasonal vegetables, this creamy Leek and Potato soup with asparagus is delicious and easy to prepare; it’s a simple recipe but hearty and so comforting!
5-minute easy recipe to finally know how to make Oat Milk at home that is always delicious, creamy, non-slimy, and using only two ingredients.
This Lentil Bolognese Sauce is so comforting, hearty, and flavorful that you’ll be preparing it every week. It’s a Vegan, Gluten-Free, and Nut-Free sauce made with wholesome and simple ingredients.