Grate all the corn on the cobs to obtain a creamy consistency. Set aside. (Keep some empty cobs in a bowl with clean water. You will use this water later).
Peel the ½ butternut squash with a vegetable peeler, and grate it. Set aside.
Over medium-low heat, sauté the onion, spring onions, red bell pepper with water, and a pinch of salt in a large pot or Dutch oven. Cook until onion is translucent and spring onions and pepper are soft.
Add the Roma tomato, paprika, and ground cumin. Mix well to combine.
When the preparation is well integrated, add the butternut squash and cook for 5 minutes. Then add the grated corn, about ¼ cup of the water you kept aside, and mix well.
Bring the preparation to a gentle simmer, partially cover with a lid, and cook the humita for 25 to 30 mins. Continue stirring until it is creamy and all ingredients are well cooked.
Any time the preparation is too dry, you can add a little bit of the water you kept aside. Add a little at a time since you need all the liquid evaporated at the end.
Taste and add/adjust salt and pepper and seasonings as needed.
Serve warm with some fresh basil as toping.